Phyllis Tickle in writer’s Corner on

I found this link on,  and thought I’d do a little brag piece on “being quoted” in print,  back in 1997. 

Phyliis Tickle had run across some of my Web stuff via my postings on Ecunet. She wrote me and asked about quoting some of my stuff,  and I said “Sure”.  A short while later,  a reporter from the Dallas Morning News wrote me (unfortunately at my email address which I rarely checked) and asked if I was interested in answering a few questions of hers in an article she was writing on the release of the book God Talk in America.  I was too late getting back to her for that article,  but I went out and got the book,  remembering how Phyllis had asked me for permission to quote me.

The Writer’s Corner Page on Phyllis at that I found when I was checking out links from today’s post on AOL Gets Blogging via RadioFreeBlogistan and Jeff Jarvis and BuzzMachine (they led me to Holy Weblog! which led me to which led me to their Writer’s Corner  section where Phyllis was listed ) 

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