IRD: Church home wreckers

Amen. The founders and leadership of the IRD are despicable, paranoid, devious and deceitful.  Much like the insitigators of the SBC takeover (and were very much behind that, too). Moyers did a God and Politics episode on the UMC missionaries who were hounded by the IRD anbout their work in Central America. Right wing crusaders without a Christ heart.

“unlivable by any standard we have today”

“There is nothing stopping us from four degrees other than our own will to change course, which we have yet to display. Because the planet is as big as it is, and as ecologically diverse; because humans have proven themselves an adaptable species, and will likely continue to adapt to outmaneuver a lethal threat; and because the devastating effects of Continue Reading

battle of opinions and interpretations

This is a battle of opinions and interpretations, far from truly being a matter of “The Authority of Scripture”. It is a battle of the “Authority” of what we think that authority actually says. Those who cannot/will not understand that are sealing themselves inside their own minds, to the detriment of “that they may be one” (which does NOT say Continue Reading