“it is often unclear to the uninitiated what it me…
“it is often unclear to the uninitiated what it means to be published in an EGU ‘Discussions’ journal” http://t.co/YMpjNYSZZd – @KenCaldeira
“it is often unclear to the uninitiated what it means to be published in an EGU ‘Discussions’ journal” http://t.co/YMpjNYSZZd – @KenCaldeira
Andrew @Revkin on the problem of “when work is promoted before it is publicized or peer reviewed” http://t.co/7HEO2KuPtS HT @MichaelEMann
What religion can teach #Climate scientists about action & divestment @billmckibben @dlature http://t.co/vJBvRvJvls @BostonGlobe
“there were always a few who read Scripture w/ enough care to find consistent threads of stewardship&ecological consciousness” @billmckibben
watched “Merchants of Doubt” on Amazon a couple nights ago. Very good documentary version of the book (which I read) http://t.co/4oXeWMoYWY
@eco_pres might want to reconsider your name, since ECO doesn’t seem to mean ecology IN ANY WAY, since it is not mentioned.
Blog: upcoming UMComm 75th anniversary: Will they help the church to tell the Climate Story an… http://t.co/i7YLAnKhdY #occupytheology
Blog post: upcoming @UMCommunicati 75th ann’vsry: Will they help the church to tell the Climate Story?http://t.co/cbtYjEqq6f
Saw this article on the UMC.org website this week, and , as I am apparently programmed to do, reflected upon it in the context of “A Church in a time of Climate Crisis”, or “A Planet in Peril” (as I once heard Phillip Clayton say). There was no place for me to make comments below this article which was published Continue Reading
RT @Abettervision: TODAY: Project Censored interviews David Ray Griffin on Global Envir. Crisis http://t.co/oqQPrMhSAf 1-2 PM PDT
Again, and again, and again ….. #BlackLivesMatter http://t.co/fwm0ZacRdq HT @Knightopia Leaving Facebook…
@ColtsFan254 Evolutionary biology and multiple evolutionary sciences tend to be an enormously diverse lot
@ColtsFan254 just be careful about statements that start with “evolution says”. That tends to be a harbinger of a straw man claim.
@ColtsFan254 well, unfortunately, I got to move on with my day. Thanks! Fun!
@ColtsFan254 kind of like a straw man