.@TPM Good luck with that
.@TPM Good luck with that
.@TPM Good luck with that
I have Stanley Hauerwas to thank for the sentiments in what I said in that last post
REALLY have a problem when Christians quote verses on “Freedom” on July 4th. The sense and definition of “freedom” is NOT AT ALL the same.
Blog: Problems with “American holidays†and Churches http://t.co/yHW5jobCqu #occupytheology
granted, it’s not as obvious and extensive as the problem with the Confederate Flag, but the similar pitfalls are still there.
When churches “join the celebration” on July 4, I think the problem we face there has a slight similarity w/ the “Confederate Flag problem”, in that we can sometimes communicate an “all or nothing approval”, and rubber stamp a culture which worships at the shrine of America. When churches on Memorial Day weekend, which also “happens to be Pentecost Sunday” Continue Reading
Blog post: Problems with “American holidays” and Churches: http://t.co/wvnAJkUG2J
When churches “join the celebration” on July 4, I think the problem we face there has a slight similarity w/ the “Confederate Flag problem”
Today is the day we should be writing our “Declaration of Independence” from Fossil Fuels. (More like “yesterday, actually). #ecoTheology
Blog: Agree with Robert Reich’s “Moral Crisis†post, and then some http://t.co/G4eIZFS8U8 #occupytheology
Yes. And to that I would add the enormous, far-reaching, ongoing moral crisis of refusing to see the writingon the wall about what the scientists are telling us we are doing to the earth’s ability to sustain us. It doesn’t matter what our “OPINION” is, it is the ecosystem. It doesn’t care about our politics (except about that part which Continue Reading
Blog post: Agree with Robert Reich’s “Moral Crisis” post, and then some: http://t.co/le4hcMulOT
Let’s preach “Independence” from Fossil Fuels as we seek how we must live during that transition to 100% renewables that MUST come soon
Blog Post: @NaomiAKlein and Tim @DeChristopher on Climate/Economy as Prophetic http://t.co/pQSeZYoDOT