Problem: it hasn’t done so well extending the actu…
Problem: it hasn’t done so well extending the actual successes to MOST of the poor.
Problem: it hasn’t done so well extending the actual successes to MOST of the poor.
To say “capitalism has been good for the poor” is to exhibit a large undertaking of cherry picking. 1 of 2
“When capitalism ceases to be an engine of the common good, it is inconsistent w/ Christianity.” @james_ka_smith #OWS
.@james_ka_smith @d_sikkema @Pontifex @commentmag when one is too eager to put transcendence over immanence, both suffer.
.@james_ka_smith @d_sikkema agree on the wording level, but author , seems to me, too eager to utilize free market defenses
@james_ka_smith what do you think re: my last two tweets to you (the role of liturgy and formation in forming a more robust creation notion?
@james_ka_smith and also “Imagining the Kingdom”. I think this a key to the Church being instigator of a recovery of connection to creation
@james_ka_smith I’d rather ponder the issue of that “formation of desire” you talk about in Desiring the Kingdom re: recovering ecoTheology
@james_ka_smith @d_sikkema “reductionist” is not a sin when pointing out the rampant injustice/destructiveness. Seems to excuse the problem
@james_ka_smith @d_sikkema “questionable elements within Laudato Si’: eg., reductionist depictions of free markets”– too quick to defend
@james_ka_smith @d_sikkema “admit that disenchanting the world allowed for the possibility of major breakthroughs”? Doesn’t quite justify
@james_ka_smith @d_sikkema I’d prefer to come down on side of the science rather than on the basis of who I want to create distance from
@james_ka_smith @d_sikkema So Doug goes with the “unsettled science” myth over actual scientific findings?
@comcastcares thanks. dont know why the online chat person’s signal didnt work. But thanks.
@comcastcares ok…just now, it came back on. Did you do that?