Wes Jackson @PandoPopulus Conference, Seizing An A…
Wes Jackson @PandoPopulus Conference, Seizing An Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization” 6-7-15 https://t.co/N74BmOvsCu
Wes Jackson @PandoPopulus Conference, Seizing An Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization” 6-7-15 https://t.co/N74BmOvsCu
John Cobb Plenary speech at @PandoPopulus Conference, Seizing An Alternative: Toward an Ecological Civilization” http://t.co/dwYqUoVk1q
Blog: Wes Jackson speech (Sunday AM plenary at @PandoPopulus conference) http://t.co/j5aNuacwpn #occupytheology
Video from PandoPopulus, ( Click here to begin at 24:50 is when Wes Jackson begins speaking)
Blog post: Wes Jackson speech (Sunday AM plenary at @PandoPopulus conference): http://t.co/DrefmX5V4W
I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/cuF3Ah7slY Wes Jackson’s plenary address for SEIZING AN ALTERNATIVE.
David Ray Griffin banquet speech at @PandoPopulus “Seizing An Alternative” conference: http://t.co/EsZscjpVVU via @YouTube
Blog post: “An evangelism of ecology” Let’s do it.: http://t.co/1c3rUV69n1
Blog post: A New “Earth-Honoring Faith” is required; a new Reformation: http://t.co/Y7eDn8bMlI
Blog post: Is the Climate Crisis to become an issue of major emphasis and effort for the church?: http://t.co/t5FptEub9b
Blog post: Issues raise question for United Methodists: ‘Will the unity Hold?’ No mention of climate…: http://t.co/mymWPImNzC
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://t.co/EsZscjpVVU David Ray Griffin banquet speech at @PandoPopulus “Seizing An
Blog post: Tweaking/Reorienting our theology for the Anthropocene: http://t.co/L1rUSsVtvB
Prev tweet ‘s quote aptly recognizes the “scare word” /dog whistle quality held by word “Socialism” in present politics
“the Socialists of yesteryear, who never assumed much power but whose 1912 electoral platform has mostly become law” http://t.co/WGcPSyV1Sr