The Koch Brothers Bought Ads On The Daily Show And…
The Koch Brothers Bought Ads On The Daily Show And Jon Stewart’s Reaction Was Perfect via @AddInfoOrg (VIDEO)
The Koch Brothers Bought Ads On The Daily Show And Jon Stewart’s Reaction Was Perfect via @AddInfoOrg (VIDEO)
In other words, the “religious” quickly became the “Church via the State”, which led to “Crusades”. Secular style, brandishing Crosses
It seems so plain to see from the very beginnings of “Christendom” that it was the State’s means of “order” that infiltrated the church
previous post was from chapter I’m now reading in Fields Of Blood: Religion and the History of Violence by Karen Armstrong (@KarenAnchorite)
Karen Armstrong’s accounts of Constantine trying to mediate the theological disputes with state power is fascinating, important history
RT @algore: New @IPCC_CH report: We can solve the climate crisis, but we must act now to avert its worst consequences.
RT @AccordionGuy: Once again: Church sign of the day.
Be sure to set your clock back an hour today, and not set our nation back 50 years on Tuesday! #Vote #Election2014
Hitchens’ apparently unaware of Churches that supported Iraq war & Bush may explain how he is “unaware” of Muslim opposition to violence
Hitchens: “Bush’s church AND EVERY OTHER CHURCH THAT I KNOW OF’ was against the war in Iraq” So much for what he “knows of”. Patently false.
Hitchens cites numerous actions depicted in Old Testament as “one of the reasons why so many Jews are secular”. (again, due to literalism)
So, CHedges, no “secular states” with “Godless constitution” have perpretrated mass violence? I think those too have succumbed. Try again.
Most naive & preposterous suggestion: “Get rid of those WRONG Muslims” . Like, by sheer force of will? Or what?
Hitchens asked “Where is the Fatwa against Muslim atrocities?” Ever hear of Google? Like, or
even in citing an instance of Sunni’s blowing up a Mosque , Hitchens fails to address obvious question: How deep does their Islam go really?