“in the Bible is a God who is subverting our viole…
“in the Bible is a God who is subverting our violent mythologies from within” http://t.co/Czbv5z5TXi // the sorely needed exegetical method
“in the Bible is a God who is subverting our violent mythologies from within” http://t.co/Czbv5z5TXi // the sorely needed exegetical method
Why wouldn’t @RandomHouse participate in the @Kindle Matchbook program? (Publisher of Karen Armstrong’s Fields of Blood)
Book lovers would like not having to choose in either direction (print or Kindle). Give deal on print version to buyers of @kindle version
The @Kindle Matchbook deal needs to also offer the reverse. If I really like a book, I’ll want the print version for the book shelf.
Once the political empire has been established, the colonial project moves on in to conquer other arenas (economic, ecological, ideological)
Prev quote came from “Fields of Blood: Religion and The History of Violence” by Karen Armstrong. Masterful socio-historical work.
“Renaissance humanists were far more sympathetic to the colonial project” (than the Dominicans in Spain) Men more violent WITH Religion ?
So the tomb of Shia ‘Uqaylid amir Sharaf ad-Dawla Muslim is destroyed (a revered site in Islam) by ISIS & yet they represent Islam?Nonsense
RT @eichelberger_e: Even w/out voter ID laws, minority voters face more hurdles to casting ballots http://t.co/nnXsdWK9gO @smencimer //…
The arguments of “Christian Knights” in the Middle Ages sound strangely & disturbingly resonant with the “Wild At Heart” theology
All one need do is say “It’s not just religion that’s violent” and away we go. New Atheists have a field day. #FieldsOfBlood #History
The comments under this review of Armstrong’s Fields of Blood are a thing to behold. Oblivious to book’s point. http://t.co/Q5dpLXhyTO
Prev quote from @pearsonspost article in @thedailybeast Karen Armstrong’s New Rule: Religion Isn’t Responsible for Violence
“When people claim that religion has been responsible for more war, one has to ask, ‘more than what?’â€http://t.co/eat63qm6he // exactly
Karen Armstrong’s brilliant work, Fields of Blood, shows how some history and sociological insight might do S.Harris and B.Maher some good