RT @jeffjarvis: .@dweinberger likes an Italian Dec…
.@dweinberger likes an Italian Declaration of Internet Rights. A lot a lot. http://t.co/yX4R7F7iCv
.@dweinberger likes an Italian Declaration of Internet Rights. A lot a lot. http://t.co/yX4R7F7iCv
The war on voting may have swung these 4 races http://t.co/h5HZ6w9jt3 http://t.co/EXGv02EVzl
Blog: Occupy Distortions of Dominion #PeoplesClimate #OccupyTheology http://t.co/ZmOYp38fYb #occupytheology
Blog post:Occupy Distortions of Dominion #PeoplesClimate #OccupyTheology: http://t.co/TaO1z75Lxk
Liberation Theologian Leonardo Boff, on ecosystem: That is why I am extending the intuitions of liberation theology and demonstrating their validity and applicability for the questions enveloping the Earth, our bountiful mother. – Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor (Ecology & Justice) (Kindle Locations 167-168). Orbis Books. Kindle Edition. This speaks to me in my quest to express ecotheological Continue Reading
God is “the one who seesâ€; sees the outcast & sees ALL as within a relational balance ecosystem; the ecosystem is God’s incarnate theology.
Previous 4 quotes I saved to Tumblr from Leonardo Boff, Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor HT @BrianMcLaren in Everything Must Change. Indeed
“We are hostages to a paradigm that places us– against the thrust of the universe– over things instead…” http://t.co/n9lPcGOHNy
“During the past four centuries human beings have felt that they are all alone in a universe seen as an…” http://t.co/ApT0GS79nm
“Such a logic is shattering the fragile balance of the universe, built up with great wisdom by nature…” http://t.co/jmiJCqqTsG
“The logic that exploits classes and subjects peoples to the interests of a few rich and powerful…” http://t.co/QqlNyFEJ01
Wondering how many other Christians are as energized re: the ecotheological implications of @thischanges Everything as I am? #PeoplesClimate
@dlturn just interesting your reaction to that was to first defend capitalism (ie “harder to imagine it’s demise than the earth’s itself”
@dlturn “easier” in the statement is referring to people who are “OK with the end of the world” but “Not OK” with the end of capitalism
@dlturn but the statement is saying some people are more concerned to defend capitalism than they are the fate of the earth