Blog post:.@Joerg_Rieger on Organizing Alternative…
Blog post:.@Joerg_Rieger on Organizing Alternative Power & #OccupyTheology:
Blog post:.@Joerg_Rieger on Organizing Alternative Power & #OccupyTheology:
even faith-based organizing becomes problematic without the hard theological work of distinguishing liberative faith from status quo faith. – Joerg Rieger in response to Romand Coles ‘ article: Ecotones and the Arts of Radical Ecclesia and Radical Democracy | Syndicate. For me, and it seems also for Joerg Rieger, the Occupy Movement provided the church with a model of organizing activism Continue Reading
Blog: .@ThisChanges Everything: postcolonial independence movements “nipped in the bud† #occupytheology
Blog post:.@ThisChanges Everything: postcolonial independence movements “nipped in the bud”:
Indeed postcolonial independence movements—which so often had the redistribution of unjustly concentrated resources, whether of land or minerals, as their core missions— were consistently undermined through political assassinations, foreign interference, and, more recently, the chains of debt-driven structural adjustment programs Klein, Naomi (2014-09-16). This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate (p. 454). Simon & Schuster. Kindle Edition. Naomi put her Continue Reading
Keeping books locked down as they do is keeping Amazon from realizing some really great apps for “Socializing” the discussion of books online. I have been Tweeting and Facebook posting quotes from the books Ive been reading on my Kindle Fire for the past couple years. But I am constantly frustrated by the absence of that SHARE feature on Continue Reading
Blog post:Amazon missing key book possibilities :
This: “only mass social movements can save us now. Because we know where the current system, left unchecked, i…
Again..sounds like a role the church is called to play ““resistanceâ€â€”movements of “people or groups of people
A massive powerful machine unless we say no “global capitalism has made the depletion of resources so rapid, c…
!!!!! “when we take, we must not only give back, but we must also take care.”
This “But it isn’t about stopping or retreating. It’s about aggressively applying our labor toward restoration…
The church too?..maybe? “people are remembering their own cultures’ stewardship traditions, however deeply bur…
Good ecotheology to combat the theology that interprets “dominion” as extractive “The earth, wrote the great e…
Message for the “invincible creationists” “Just because biology is full of generosity does not mean its forgiv…