Media center, TV, radio stations, power plant, hi…
Media center, TV, radio stations, power plant, hit which somehow count as “strategic targets.” via @GregMitch
Media center, TV, radio stations, power plant, hit which somehow count as “strategic targets.” via @GregMitch
Back in Mom’s room since about an hour ago. Still sleeping. They are saying if she doesnt wake up some by tomorrow, maybe reduce pain meds
Israel’s moral defeat will haunt us for years via @HaaretzCom HT @DaveWiner
@ctrent he’s horrible. Shouldn’t be there. Seems to never learn.
If Israeli army got word that Hamas leaders were hiding in Israeli residential areas, would they bomb them? Israeli life=Palestinian life?
RT @sharifkouddous: Heavy bombardment of Gaza tonight by Israel. Very heavy.
RT @GregMitch: Awaiting NYT headline tonite: “Hamas Rockets Falling Short All Over Gaza, Hitting Hundreds of Homes.”
Mom’s brother , his wife, and Mom’s sister just left room to go back to Western Ky. Everyone expects they’ll be back in a few days.
At least 1,050 Gazans – mostly civilians – have been killed, and 42 Israeli soldiers and three civilians in Israel have died. Ceasefire now!
Been back at the hospice in Mom’s room for a couple hours today…Lots of friends of hers visting
RT @democracynow: “Israel has delib. targeted civil’ns from day1(this attack); trying to scare people n2 submission.”
This is hilarious “What Kind of Asian Are You?” Turns the tables great via YouTube
RT @alexisgoldstein: Jews protesting Israeli occupation & war now being arrested @Conf_of_Pres MT @nkulw
RT @ASLANmedia: MT @Palestinianism: Sign on building in W. Jerusalem: ‘There are no innocent people in #Gaza’ // wow
RT @BDSits123: BEAUTIFUL: #London 50K protesters at Israel Embassy chanting “International Criminal Court 4 Israel”