Excellent segment on KXL on @AllInWithChris “The l…
Excellent segment on KXL on @AllInWithChris “The logic of the Addict” re: The State Department’s “conclusion/recommendation”
Excellent segment on KXL on @AllInWithChris “The logic of the Addict” re: The State Department’s “conclusion/recommendation”
Watching David Simon (The Wire & Treme) re: economic problems in US @BillMoyersHQ http://t.co/FgayjiUXRR #OWS
prev tweet refers2 how theological educ’tn (a major church task) needs the “Networked reporting” style (as @JayRosen_NYU explains re: News)
I hope this “New Form of News” explosion into new ventures (ie Greenwald, Scahill, Klein) becomes a sort of meme in Church communications
“When the many contribute (easily) to reporting that is completed by a few, that’s networked reporting” @JayRosen_NYU http://t.co/pjX9GTCyC1
“The product is not “news†but understanding and that steady state of feeling well informed” – @JayRosen_NYU http://t.co/AGgeyFpUTN
.@JayRosen_NYU on @EzraKlein ‘s move: “Keep me informed: parsing the logic of Ezra Klein’s move to Vox Media” http://t.co/Nya8DM6sZj
The move to the “open space” model of offices is a plot paid for by the makers of noise-cancelling headphones (HT @KevinMarks #TWIG comment)
@jcallina I haven’t. Is that easy to get on there?
@jcallina Ive been afraid to look at my blog traffic for a long time. Maybe I ought to, but I suspect it’ll just upset me.
@jcallina that’s funny. maybe I should blog about Tweety, my Cockatiel.
@jcallina but I don’t blog that way . It’s usually theological slants on technology issues; some politics, some socio-tech
The Blogosphere seems to have become a much lonelier place than it was 10 years ago. Hardly any comments, ever. Have I gotten boring?
Blog post:The #Singularity: Life Saving and Extending Technologies: http://t.co/1Bq6WaRfLE
The following article is one I just posted to a site aimed at Boomer and Seniors. I thought that since I have been so struck by “The Singularity”, I might as well ride that enthusiasm and thought inspiring train into one of my duties for a part time job I have. The Singularity seems to be a hopeful scenario for Continue Reading