Jesse Jackson: Occupy in memory of MLK

From Jesse Jackson op-ed for CNN: Dr. King was an occupier, our country occupied by the vicious and divisive legal segregation. His last great campaign was the Poor People’s Campaign, aimed at occupying the Mall in the nation’s Capitol to address abounding poverty, the demands for a job or an income for all, health care for all. When Dr. King Continue Reading

Occupy Wall Street – #OWS #Social Networks

One of the things for which  the Net has been invaluable in my journey of late is to keep me “in the loop” with what is happening amongst the Occupy movement.  I hear various people talking about how they aren’t noticing Occupy much of late.  Well one,  if you depend on the mainstream media,  that will be the impression.  But Continue Reading

American Spring –

Salon has two sections on their website related to #Occupy.  One is an “Occupy Wall Street” section,  and one is an “American Spring” section.  I am looking into both of these to see what the differences are.  I am putting this in my #OccupyTheology section/post-type,  beause I draw a close relation between “theological thought”,  and the aspirations of the passionately Continue Reading