Modern Conservative Christianity’s mistrust of immanence

“In popular religious practice there isn’t always a clean line between this “immanent” religion and the transcendent alternative offered by Christianity and Judaism. ”

Douthat should then re-write and re-think what he wrote in the paragraphs before this. His attempts henceforth in this article to explain the difference are awkward and shallow and full of caricature.

“Until then, those of us who still believe in a divine that made the universe rather than just pervading it — and who have a certain fear of what more immanent spirits have to offer us — should be able to recognize the outlines of a possible successor to ”

And he closes by falling back on his distrust of the immanence and a god who, since he “made the universe rather than just pervading it”, cannot really, in the end , be both (as those who believe in a God who created a universe to be , by its nature, NON dualistic and connected.

About Theoblogical

I am a Web developer with a background in theology, sociology and communications. I love to read, watch movies, sports, and am looking for authentic church.

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