Ecological crisis and income inequality

Income inequality and the Ecological Crisis go hand in hand it seems. The powerful are so drunk that they fail the reality test. My earlier years 2011-2014 as (domain is still active, ends up here) lead logically to “In 2017, the same year the United States pulled out of the Paris Agreement, the country also approved a $2.3 trillion tax cut—primarily Continue Reading

The deeper recession

A brief but still scary enough summary of the previous much longer quote: “most of the time we measure economic fluctuations in ticks of decimal points—2.9 this year, 2.7 that. What climate change proposes is an economic setback of an entirely different category.” Wallace-Wells, David. The Uninhabitable Earth (p. 118). Crown/Archetype. Kindle Edition.

Count the true costs

Scary to ponder, and yet another blow to what is perhaps the most common denier argument against full-scale (or much of any) transition to renewables and other ecological reversals and transitions we must correct: which is, “it will cost too much” and “wreck the economy” and “hurt the poor”. Consider the costs if we stick close to the status quo: Continue Reading

Capitalism and the path of carbon emissions

On “Capitalism has lifted people out of poverty”: “In 2018, the World Bank estimated that the current path of carbon emissions would sharply diminish the living conditions of 800 million living throughout South Asia. One hundred million, they say, will be dragged into extreme poverty by climate change just over the next decade. Perhaps “back into” is more appropriate: many Continue Reading

On “Alarmism”

One of the most frequent push-backs I get from Christians is that I need to be more “positive and hopeful”; to suggest more things that individuals can do. ( I got this from a denominational news person when I was suggesting that they cover an upcoming local Earth Care conference hosted by a large church of their denomination. They implied Continue Reading

Whom and What we “have seen”; the dilemma of the demand of the future/now

A huge problem is that we have a large amount of energy being required from existing ecologically sensitive and aware people who are finding themselves pulled toward protecting and supporting their brothers and sisters, “who they HAVE SEEN”* (see note below)   . The result of this is that we expend all this energy for this “fake crisis” (I call Continue Reading

Do what it takes

I take issue with one thing in this quote: “Agree with Ocasio-Cortez’s solutions or not, it’s to her credit that, in such a short time, she has helped change the terms of the debate. “Radicalism pushes the bonds of what liberals will jump on board with,” Saikat Chakrabarti, the representative’s chief of staff, said. “Every major social movement has worked Continue Reading

The danger of placing too much hope in “Geo-engineering”

Wallace-Wells follows that notion I just “cautioned” about, with another not so helpful notion: “We found a way to engineer devastation, and we can find a way to engineer our way out of it—or, rather, engineer our way toward a degraded muddle, but one that nevertheless extends forward the promise of new generations finding their own way forward, perhaps toward Continue Reading