Occupy and Climate Activism: Addressing the same problem #OWS #PeoplesClimate

The process of taking on the corporate-state power nexus that underpins the extractive economy is leading a great many people to face up to the underlying democratic crisis that has allowed multinationals to be the authors of the laws under which they operate —whether at the municipal , state/ provincial, national, or international level. Klein, Naomi (2014-09-16). This Changes Everything: Continue Reading

Creation Care in the Great Economy: Wendell Berry via @UnboundJustice

You can’t draw a line between an organism and its environment for the reason that organisms don’t just live in their environment; the environment also lives in them. via Creation Care in the Great Economy: A Conversation with Wendell Berry | Unbound. STRONG Ecotheology.  Conspicuous absence of good theology in vast sections of the church in America.