Occupy Distortions of Dominion #PeoplesClimate #OccupyTheology

Liberation Theologian Leonardo Boff,  on ecosystem: That is why I am extending the intuitions of liberation theology and demonstrating their validity and applicability for the questions enveloping the Earth, our bountiful mother. – Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor (Ecology & Justice) (Kindle Locations 167-168). Orbis Books. Kindle Edition. This speaks to me in my quest to express ecotheological Continue Reading

@ThisChanges Everything includes our current expectations of our present strain of capitalism

There is still time to avoid catastrophic warming but not within the rules of capitalism as they are currently constructed. From NYT review As the science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson observed, when it comes to the environment, the invisible hand never picks up the check. This is what is so hard,  if not seeming impossible,  to tell the people Continue Reading

Unsustainable theo-capitalism – @BrianMcLaren #OWS #PeoplesClimate

The big question in my mind is whether people of faith and goodwill will rise up and successfully tame capitalism-gone-wild, or whether it will prove untamable and drive off the cliff of collapse. via Five Good Answers with Author, Speaker, and Activist Brian D. McLaren : Matt Litton. This seems to be my two overarching concerns right now (and Brian Continue Reading

Moyers from 2008: Is God Green? Evangelical Environmentalism| PBS

Is God Green? via Moyers on America . Is God Green? | PBS. Watch it via PBS Just a bit of the problem that happens with “Bible Interpretation”. The text renders radically different responses,  based on the context.  Some will “filter” and create their own “CANON” of Scripture and ignore the more obvious , “inconvenient” passages that would otherwise cry Continue Reading

Introduce @NaomiAKlein ‘s @ThisChanges Everything into theological discussion, and see the “sparks” fly

The “sparks” lead to two different ingnitions: The all too common right wing knee-jerk, auto-pilot echo of the political right wing’s dismissal and rage against the idea that climate change poses an existential danger to us. Then there is the igniting of the long and rich history of ecotheological depth in the Judeo-Christian tradition, and in “other” theological traditions (especially Continue Reading

.@ThisChanges Everything about how I think about Climate Change. What a journey.

Soon after the Occupy movement began, I bought the domain occupytheology.org. It was an immensely theological event for me, and continues to be, regardless of the “hibernation” it’s most “visible” elements may be experiencing. I write “visible” in quotes, because it’s visibility tends to be defined by the media. If it’s not being covered as a REAL MOVEMENT, but as Continue Reading

Where climate change is more than a “debate” : The church in a land of climate change via @JonathanMerritt

Go to a lot of places outside of our country and our politics, and you often find yourself where climate change is more than a “debate” as it is often described here, and see the first hand effects (one can also find those places in our country as well, and these are just some of the many “Sacrafice Zones” that Continue Reading

Yikes. Scientists Say Global Warming Has Been “Hugely Underestimated”

Scientists Say Global Warming Has Been “Hugely Underestimated” via As Casualties Mount, Scientists Say Global Warming Has Been “Hugely Underestimated”. A major study recently published in New Scientist found that “scientists may have hugely underestimated the extent of global warming because temperature readings from southern hemisphere seas were inaccurate,” and said that ACD is “worse than we thought” because it Continue Reading

Naomi Klein Live – This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate – YouTube

Naomi Klein, the award-winning journalist and author of global best-sellers The Shock Doctrine and No Logo discusses her most provocative book yet, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate. – from the YouTube description We’ve continued on the road of more and more emissions for 25 years since we were told by scientists that this was  a perilous road.  There Continue Reading

.@ThisChanges Everything: postcolonial independence movements “nipped in the bud”

Indeed postcolonial independence movements—which so often had the redistribution of unjustly concentrated resources, whether of land or minerals, as their core missions— were consistently undermined through political assassinations, foreign interference, and, more recently, the chains of debt-driven structural adjustment programs Klein, Naomi (2014-09-16). This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate (p. 454). Simon & Schuster. Kindle Edition. Naomi put her Continue Reading

Russell Brand And Naomi Klein Talk Climate Change And The Need For Revolution

Russell Brand and the author Naomi Klein have called for a “revolution” that could potentially see oil giants like Exxon Mobil dismantled. Speaking to Brand as part of a podcast exclusively shared with The Huffington Post, Klein agreed with the comedian’s call for a political and economic revolution, but warned: “It’s not going to happen in the right way if Continue Reading

Fracking: The Media’s New Climate Denial via @BillMoyersHQ

Sensible people know there’s no more arguing about climate change: The planet is warming due to human activity. The only important question now is whether we plan to do anything about it. It will require, among other things, a massive shift away from burning oil, gas and coal, as Naomi Klein argues in her brilliant new book,  This Changes Everything. Continue Reading