Category Archives: ecotheology

Obama defends Arctic drilling decision : Short term now, Long Term “later”
Obama told reporters that although he wants the country to move completely away from fossil fuels at some point, domestic oil and natural gas production is still necessary in the short term. via Obama defends Arctic drilling decision | TheHill. When we frame this in terms like “short term” and “long term”, we get a good indication that the two Continue Reading
Obama Still Doesn’t Get It
Bill McKibben speaks truth, and Obama went a long way toward answering the question as to whether or not he has turned a corner toward becoming the leader in the White House on this issue of climate. This, 18 months before the next election, indicates he still doesn’t get it. what’s most extreme here is the irresponsibility of Shell, now Continue Reading
The needed dogma on climate
I have commented at least a couple of times (probably on Twitter and Facebook) about how we have all these flavors of churches in the U.S. that emphasize certain theological approaches and put forward their own “selective canon” of Scriptures (all groups do this, according to the narrative they want to emphasize). But that a group “wants” to emphasize a certain narrative Continue Reading
To my theology/church friends: I want to know what you think of my previous blog post
Meaning this one, here Theology is ultimately a dialogue, not just musings of an individual. But even that is to simplify the matter, since these “individual musings” have been forged in an ongoing theological dialogue over some 30 years of my experience in seriously contemplating and living theology, and being formed by numerous individuals and communities, each of them having Continue Reading
Notes on echatology and apocalypse in considering Christian theology in an ageof Climate Crisis
Eschatology: the end or goal of time/reality/life…not emphasizing “judgment day” as punishment and revenge of God upon evil, but as the purpose of the Kingdom of God to redeem/renew Apocalypse: the literature that utilizes certain imagery to tell an eschatological narrative; the “upheaval” or “great evil” being experienced is the imagery employed to provide a narrative of the directing of Continue Reading
Have you had a “conversion” experience regarding the Climate Crisis?
What Micheal Dowd, in a conversation with him, referred to as a “Come to Jesus moment about the climate”, I expect has been rthe experience of many over the past decade, and the frequency of those have probably plunged upward much like the Hockey Stick made famous by Climatologist Micheal Mann. I have certainly had such a conversion. It’s a Continue Reading
Climate Doublespeak from Jeb
Jeb Bush: “The climate is changing and I’m concerned about that,†Bush responded. “But to be honest with you, I’m more concerned about the hollowing out of our country, the hollowing out of our industrial core, the hollowing out of our ability to compete in an increasingly competitive world.† Oh my gosh. In other words, NO, I’m not REALLY Continue Reading
Denominational Witness re: Climate Crisis is lacking
As I did back in 2011 when Occupy Wall Street put the issue of income inequality and the 1% on the public agenda, I am looking once again at the voice of the mainline denominations on the issue of the Climate Crisis. I have thus far looked at the home pages of the United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church USA, Evangelical Continue Reading
@KHayhoe, Climate EcoTheology “re-programmer” for evangelicals
Kathryn Hayhoe is an extremely valuable voice in mainstream evangelicalism (even though her climate knowledge and convictions place her outside of that mainstream)…she has the healthy, undiluted theology (probably helped by the fact that she was outside of the American Religious Right for so long and never “learned” those outrageous associations with Right Wing political ideology.) It is sad that Continue Reading
On the “if we don’t get China to go along” meme
This is a thread of comments under the article “Head Of The Episcopal Church Says It’s ‘Sinful’ To Ignore Climate Change” A commenter posted about how “nothing will happen until China does something” (a typical argument against taking any action at all) So I chimed in: Dale Lature · Top Commenter · Freelance Web Community developer/researcher at Freelance Web Community Researcher/Developer Continue Reading
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