My comments to an article about a “religious trends” survey

The survey was linked from at Some day one of these “religious surveys” might begin to get the picture that there is a massive upsurge in new efforts within churches and ecumenical organizations to respond as People of God to the epoch-sized crisis our civilization has precipitated. It is , in fact, far beyond doubt that we as a Continue Reading

The “angry” characterization of Bernie supporters really makes me angry

I’m so sick of “Emo Prog”, “angry” characterizations, which leave me feeling that it is “politically uncorrect” to be angry at what has happened to our bought and sold “Democracy” (and there,  I revealed my own ANGER.  Please set aside your “measured” position and look at just why this anger exists,  and spare me the argument that it is “extreme”, Continue Reading

The denial of Denial in the Church

One could say that it has been 25 years since the world has really begun to hear the most pressing concerns of the Climate Science community. Since then, we really don’t have any excuses for how long we’ve allowed things to simply continue (to continue systematically poisoning the ecosystem in unprecedented ways; “unprecedented” in the history of the planet. Continue Reading

What SHOULD be the biggest issue at the UMC’s General Conference 2016

This morning, I commeneted on yet another UMNS articl.e about the UMC’s upcoming General Conference 2016, and the “Preview to General Conference debate on homosexuality” (or, the “Continuation of the same debates” on homosexuality, while avoiding and pushing aside the far deeper danger and peril of the Climate Crisis”). I wrote this: Speaking of “trust the authority of Scripture”, what Continue Reading

Christian Church (Disciples) a second level mention under “justice”

A liink “Care for the Earth”  under “Justice”   So most are on an even par with one another.  Nothing on the Home pages, some dropdown links, mostly requiring a click down to a further listing under what is obviously considered a “Larger” category.  Perhaps it is,  but the same can be said about ANY theological issue;  that it belongs under Continue Reading

UCC – Mention on 2nd level under “Advocate for Justice”

There’s a menu dropdown titled “Advocate for Justice” which includes “Understand the issues”,  so selecting this from the dropdown yields a page that includes “Environment” with two links, compared to 8-12 listings under other areas like “Economic Justice”.  All of this sure shouts to me that some serious updating of their categories and thinking about Climate is in order.  They Continue Reading