What SHOULD be the biggest issue at the UMC’s General Conference 2016

This morning, I commeneted on yet another UMNS articl.e about the UMC’s upcoming General Conference 2016, and the “Preview to General Conference debate on homosexuality” (or, the “Continuation of the same debates” on homosexuality, while avoiding and pushing aside the far deeper danger and peril of the Climate Crisis”). I wrote this:

Speaking of “trust the authority of Scripture”, what has happened in the Industrial Age to the Church’s witness on behalf of Creation? How has the Church been so complicit in, even supportive of, the damage that modern industirial/technological society has done to the earth’s systems of sustenance? Especially since we have had the scientific ability and knowledge to have discovered this problem, and find that there are scarcely any scientific discoveries so thoroughly verified as that of the threat that CO2 and “Modern farming technologies” have had upon our planet? Will this be a major topic of discussion at General Conference? Will those who have submitted Petitions to the Conference on these matters be taken as seriously as the world has begun to do since Paris and well before that? This is a far graver problem than any we have faced previously, in the HISTORY of HUMANITY. Seriously. And for the Church to be a feeble, almost non-existent voice in this matter is , frankly, blasphemous.

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