Occupied Bishop: Wall Street Feeds Off of Everyone #occupytheology

This retired Episcopal bishop, George Packard,  has been blogging about his advocacy for the Occupy Movement.  He quotes from the “Tidal”  ,  an Occupy journal: We wouldn’t be here if Wall Street fed off itself; we are here because it is feeding off everyone. http://bishopsnotebook.blogspot.com/2011/12/what-occupy-is-read-tidal.html Another choice bit from Tidal: If the phantoms of Wall Street are confused by our presence Continue Reading

The Protester – Person of the Year 2011 – TIME #occupytheology

“Massive and effective street protest” was a global oxymoron until — suddenly, shockingly — starting exactly a year ago, it became the defining trope of our times. And the protester once again became a maker of history. http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2101745_2102132,00.html One might ask how this is “theological”.  Well,  my theology includes those “theologies”  which do not claim to be “theologies”.  James K.A. Smith Continue Reading