A message for Eric Watson #occupynashville #OWS

It was painful listening to the condescending,  ignorant characterizations of the Tennessee lawmakers on Wednesday, late afternoon.  Particularly Eric Watson,  who mouthed the same elitist disdain for the expression of free speech and expression of outrage that we have been getting from the likes of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.  Consider this: state Rep. Eric Watson, R-Cleveland,  whose office at Continue Reading

Fight bill threatening assembly rights by @TFTaction via @TheTennessean #OWS #occupynashville

From the Opinion column of The Tennessean by Bill Howell of Nashville. Occupation makes a powerful statement about the depth of one’s commitment to obtaining a redress of grievances that cannot be made in another manner. http://www.tennessean.com/article/20120131/OPINION03/301310012/Fight-bill-will-quash-assembly-rights My agreement with this goes as follows:  The country, the state,  and the people in it deserve to know,  and must know,  what Continue Reading