Finding The Words

We understand the concern that to talk about spiritual things in an insensitive way can be off putting, creating a barrier of religiosity. However, we have found that most people are eager to talk about themselves and what really matters to them. When we have a conversation with someone new, we easily can say something simple like, “Tell me about Continue Reading

Finding Our Opposites

Finding those who are our so called “opposites,” and talking about spiritual things, can feel even more intimidating. Basically we get tripped up by fear. We fear seeming arrogant and disrespectful. We fear being ridiculed. We fear being swallowed up by the pain of seeing so directly into the dismal face of poverty or privilege. We fear being paralyzed by Continue Reading

Finding Others

The compelling desire to be with others in more authentic ways, ways that will foster diversity and reconciliation and help us to act for justice, often presses in on us long before we find others who share that desire. We can feel very alone. We long for something more, but don’t know how to find others who might be willing Continue Reading

Whatever Happened To “Whosoever Will May Come”?

The Church of the Saviour churches have always been open to diversity, Yet despite seeking welcoming ways to worship, pray, study and work together, most have not become fully diverse. We have had meaningful relationships with people of different races and economic classes, for example, and sometimes we also have been church members together, but generally we have not been Continue Reading

The Givens

The items in Authentic Church are lifted entirely from the Booklet, and my comments will be set apart with a different format, like this , for instance THE “GIVENS” OF BEING AUTHENTIC CHURCH THE.AUTHENTIC CHURCH IS AN OUTWARD EXPRESSION OF GOD, WHO IS LOVE. In love and through love, the new community is created. God, who is by nature unlimited Continue Reading

Desperate Need of Authentic Encounter With Jesus

The items in Authentic Church are lifted entirely from the Booklet, and my comments will be set apart with a different format, like this , for instance At the heart of each of us is a driving hunger for ways to five and be in relationship that are genuine. So it is with churches as well. As unique and different Continue Reading

Becoming The Authentic Church

This is the first post in a series of posts from the Booklet Becoming the Authentic Church: A Guide Toward Being in Diverse, healing Community Rooted in Reconciliation and Justice . My firend Bob and I have taken these thoughts and begun to take concrete steps toward finding this Authenitc Church (he in his setting and I in mine) You Continue Reading