Combining Theology and Technology in practice

JOHO on AKMA and his credentials as a techno-theologian:

“Will someone please find him a job that combines theology, preaching, scholarship, teaching and being a tech guru for a college? Oh, and stand-up comic and candidate for political office”

And after someone does that,  help me find one too.

I find myself becoming more concerned about how the economic times are worsening the problems the Church has with “keeping up” with technology.  I find myself in the middle.  Not “credentialed” enough in the secular world to get my due in Web development,  but not “in demand” from Church-related groups because of things like the “Web vision” not being on the radar.   I gripe about this in my article “An MIT for the Church”. 

I often try a “further filter” in my searches for Web Development work by adding “seminary” and “theological” and “Church” in various combinations,  still hoping to stumble across some places where a Christian-based group  is seeking to address the possibilities for “growth” via the online seekers.  Manyof these “online seekers” are also people for whom the Church is near and dear to their heart but have found themselves less and less engaged,  more “hungry” for dilaogue that just isn’t happening much anymore in the Church (the fact that there ARE exceptions is what keeps me going,  and hoping,  and wondering why we can’t do a better job of providing some online “oases” and places for the Church to become “re-connected” in both the personal sense and the technologically-networked sense).   

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