Help needed from Former Radio Users

I am having a reallyhard time with Radio Userland, and am determined to get my stuff the hell out of there and get onto another system. I really like Radio’s rendering of static html pages (keeps Server database calls down), but so many things keep breaking that I may well lose the whole shootin’ match someday. Right now, Radio won’t even post. If I reinstall, it’s likely to want to re-post the entire site all over again, which has some 1500 posts.

The only thing (main thing) stopping me is that my stories (longer articles) are not yet migrated. I did a few of the most recent ones, and realized I needed an export/import process of some kind between Radio and MT for Stories. For some reason, Radio doesn’t do the stories when it does a backup (as far as I can tell or find)

The other problem is that Radio allows me to enter “nameOfArticle” in a post, and then Radio will check to see if the string in quotes is the name of a Post or a Story, and create a link to that article or post. When Radio exported the XML, it exported the “nameOfArticle” instead of the Radio-created URL link, which makes it useless to MT. I need a way of batch processing al of that. Fat chance, but if someobody has a clue, I’d be thrilled.

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