Four Months and Hopefully Not Counting

Yesterday, the first day of spring,  also marked the end of the fourth month of unemployment.  I am hoping to get a Web project that will provide some temporary income,  but also hope that I can use the project to add to my portfolio and develop some functioanlity that I can re-use in the development of Church Webs,  including one I have been maintaining for a couple of years,  and is in dire need of a makeover/redesign.  I sent in another couple of resumes to jobs sent to me by my job agent email notification.  One was in Washington, DC,  the other in Columbus, OH.  Washington DC remains a focus in my sense of call nto the future as I ponder models of Church community in such groups as Church of the Saviour and Sojourners.  Nearby,  in Richmond, Virginia,  the CBF organization has a seminary

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