I am a Web developer

I am a Web developer for a Religious Publisher.   But don’t let that scare you off (if things like that scare you),  because I am not your typical religious person (whatever that is).   I don’t get offended by four letter words (since that would be VERY hypocritical),  and I don’t subscribe to a good portion of a lot of what you hear many Christians in the Media screaming about.

What I do like to explore and talk about is web development stuff.  While I have a lot of ideas about how religious publishing and Web Development meet and relate to each other, that is something I will explore in the other (like Theoblogical) categories.   Web Development is focused on the tools and my discoveries, problems,  and hopefully, solutions.

The link to “Web Development” will lead you straight in to my frequent blogs on what I’m lookuing for, working on,  and what I have found.

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