Not more Church Web pages, but more Web ministries

I love this quote from Leonard Sweet:

We don’t need any more web pages, we need web ministries

In this electronic age;  this age of instant communication and lightning fast technology, we do need to return to something ancient;  something older than the printed or even written word;  we need to return to THE STORY.  The Cluetrain Manifesto authors recognize this in all their assesments of what businesses need to do to regain audience attention.  Now its time for the Church to get down off of its “High Perch” up there on the “center stage” and let the world see what people are being called to do.  The call of God is the call to heed discernment; to gather and explore with one another what the Good News means for our day and time and communities and culture.  And then to find out what captures us and what we can do.  Webs written and posted and tended by Churches have the opportunity to be “inviting” to people who want to discover their true vocations and make a difference; a significant opportunity exists by the Church making available the stories of how they have experienced this journey.

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