God bless you in all,amen !!!
I’m pastor of the BETHEL church from Giurgiu ( Romania ). I know have see one of this set at an friend. I pray to receive one and I find that it is necesary for me to prepary a good bible study subject. The problem it is that all my sallary / month it is 150 $. I’m marryed with Magda and we have 3 childrens . Magda has suffer a surgery now 3 years ago and she have not an job.
So, is not enough to like this set but also it is necessary to be abble to buy one.
God bless you again !
psalm 20
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Is this set still for sell?
God bless you in all,amen !!!
I’m pastor of the BETHEL church from Giurgiu ( Romania ). I know have see one of this set at an friend. I pray to receive one and I find that it is necesary for me to prepary a good bible study subject. The problem it is that all my sallary / month it is 150 $. I’m marryed with Magda and we have 3 childrens . Magda has suffer a surgery now 3 years ago and she have not an job.
So, is not enough to like this set but also it is necessary to be abble to buy one.
God bless you again !
psalm 20