Radio Problems Spur Thoughts of Setting up Server for Hosting Weblogs

When one goes through computer problems such as what I had over the past 24 hours (fixed now,  I THINK),  it seems to have a dampening, discouraging effect on EVERYTHING,  like how I feel about my job hunting prospects.  Silly,  but wat happnens is that various doubts about abilities and self-confidence suffers.   I feel better now,  naturally, now that the problem seems to be over,  and things back to normal.

What lingers now is doubts about client applications for weblogging.  I’ll continue to use Radio,  but it seems more urgent now that I learn at least one Weblog hosting server setup,  like Movable Type.  I want to be able to find something I can use with my webhosting which has IIS5, ASP, and MS Access support,  but it seems MT is mySQL or some other open source database,  which I don’t have in my hosting package.

I want to be able to work as a Server-side admin which hosts outside bloggers,  and set up features that allow them to login,  do admin on their own blogs,  and easily link to and subscribe to others on the system, and give them tools to find related bloggers outside the system.

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