On into the New Year

As I head into the new year in previous years,  I am usually suffering from “Christmas is over” duldrums and a little depressed.  This year,  it is different.  Although I am still sad that it is past,  and that this year,  due to financial uncertainty (no job yet),  we were unable to do what we would have wanted to do for people for Christmas,  two things help in overcoming the usual down feeling:

1.  Janet is OK.  I am a fortunate man, indeed,  to have someone who loves as she does. 

2. The future is wide open — at once scary and full of opportunity — a previous post this morning (“Finding a Reason to Belong”) pointed to an article in Fast Company,  with a list of “23 Bright Ideas for a Stellar 2003”. One read as follows:

16. Seth Godin
Author, Marketer, Entrepreneur

Quit your job.

Do it slow, or do it fast, but do it. In retrospect, people will say that 2003 was the best year in a decade to start your own company. Even better, the people with the guts to do it fast or the perseverance to do it slow will be happier, healthier, and more in control of their lives, their ethics, and their contributions to the world. | Fast Company: Idea Fest: 23 Bright Ideas

I don’t know whether I will be handling several Web related projects as a “free-agent”; self-employed,  or be hired by someone,  but the possibilities are starting to emerge.   

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