Ad Hominem: Chris Locke on All The News That Didn’t Fit – Corante

From a new weblog by Chris Locke on   I think perhaps this applies to theoblogs as well.  Many times we find ourselves “working out our theology” in a very public way.  Sometimes that may be embarassing,  but I don’t think we need be. Just as we are not perfect as humans,  neither are we when we seek to interpret life from a theological perspective. This seems to be the problem with fundamentalist bent toward the “infallibility of scripture”.  There is a great confusion between the inspiration that was behind the writing,  and one’s own interpretation of it.  They are NOT one and the same.  Many act as if it is,  and therein lies the problem.

What we are seeing today on the web — discounting the plethora of corporate spew — is the emergence of ourselves as human beings discovering what it means to be human. If you’re not doing that, do it. Spook yourself. If you’re already spooked, don’t quit now. We’ve only begun to scratch the surface. Why is the net getting so much pushback from the top-down hierarchies of power that freak if they can’t control everything. Because it’s working, that’s why. We’re giving ourselves permission to be outlaws.

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