What is Trackback?

In “A Place of Connectivity” (a substory under “Church of the Saviour Web”) I am wondering about how to do “TrackBack”:

The “disconnect” between the “experience” of a Church when comparing their “atmosphere” in face-to-face events vs the “aura” of the online “place” is what I consider to be the best indicator of where to attack the problem of the lack of “aliveness” on Church Web sites.  Some would say this is as it should be,  that you can’t do something so personal in an online setting.  But I know this to be wrong.  It is certainly possible to facilitate a place with personal energy and “prescence” in an online setting.  Even this Weblog itself places me in the context of something that places me in dialogue with people ,  both now and in the future, for it carries with it the stories that I relate which are shared online in order to invite others to “connect with me” and perhaps become “online support” by subscribing to my RSS feed,  posting comments,  linking to things on my Weblog from theirs (which I then “discover” in my referrer logs —- which reminds me:  I want to investigate this TrackBack thing.  It seems to be a Movable Type thing,  but I am still unsure,  but from what I can gather,  it seems to be another way to “keep abreast” of what people are reacting to in what I have shared).  Ideas?  Please comment

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