The Net Needs The Church

A friend of mine is working on publishing some ideas to encourage dialogue on the re-organizationof a mjor denomination.  He asked me for input,  since I am never hesitant to speak of my concerns regarding the Church’s failures in the area of commuication technology,  the Internet in particular.  I feel that as more and more people turn to the “information superhighway” for their information,  and do “Google or Yahoo searches” to find coverage of just about any topic,  there is very little offered on many topics,  especially in disciplines where theological-based communties should have plenty to say and plenty of prescence in terms of “being there” and offering “sanctuary” to the Internet traveler where they can be surrounded by community and welcome and offer alternatives to the kind of isolation they experience in the world.   With the Internet rapidly becoming overrun with all manner of instrusive e-commerce plots,  spam,  and the search engines collaborating by providing “purchase this” links related to the topic being searched,  it is becoming more difficult to find sites that attempt to find out and affirm who we are and bring a message of healing and welcome,  or offer hope of connecting with people who identify with us,  share our concerns,  and want to be our friend.

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