More from the editor of World Net Daily

The same guy from the previous note:

Did you ever wonder why American founders like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin completely rejected institutional Christianity , what some call “Churchianity”? Maybe even back then too many of the churches were just too pale a reflection of Christ’s true message for them to stomach.

Did you ever wonder that what they may well have rejected was the pietitistic dogmatism of the likes of the Christian Right?  A faith that did very little to understand and work with the real social problems of the day.  A faith that considered saying prayers in school or “coming back to basics and adopting a simplistic theology was at the root of all society’s ills.  I believe in prayer,  but one thing it is not is an institutional requirement to be acted out.  It’s power is not in the recitation of some sort of “civic prayer”,  any more than having a Bible on your coffeetable makes you a Bible believer.  And accepting a certain set of Bible interpretations as “the correct and only option for the TRUE CHRISTIAN” is not a recipe for actual obedience to the things in it,  many of which are conveniently ommitted from the typical Christian Right view. 

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