| Bishops Counsel Bush to Avoid Preemptive Strike

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Sharon A. Brown Christopher

President of United Methodist Bishops Counsels Bush to Avoid ‘Preemptive Strike’

In a pastoral letter to 8.4 million United Methodists in the United States, including President Bush and Vice President Cheney, the President of the United Methodist Council of Bishops, Bishop Sharon A. Brown Christopher, said the U.S. should act with restraint in dealing with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. [Read the letter]

2 Replies to “ | Bishops Counsel Bush to Avoid Preemptive Strike”

  1. Ann

    President G.W. Bush was put in place by God, for a time such as this….With all this terrorisim, he is the only man not afraid to fight it with war….People are afrid of the negativness of past wars, that is why so many are against him….If the people of this coutry sit and let our homeland be pummeled by terrorisim we would be considered no less than gutless cowards! The same goes for Israel…I do not belive Bush’s policies with Israel are correct. But I know this war with the evil Saddam is the right thing to do! America should stay out of the Israeli Palistian mess, and let Isreal deal with thier terrorists (palistinian problems) just like we are handling our problems with the Arab nation! The Bible clearly states from the first of it till the end of it that Israel belongs to the Jews! NOT to the Arabs! Look at all the land the Arabs have! Israel has only this small amount of land, why can’t any one see this to be true! Those that do not stand for Israel are not true believers of Jesus, or his Word!

  2. Dale Lature (Me)


    That was quite the nationalistic diatribe. I find it hard to blanketly ascribe “God’s will” to whatever IS; which has been the mode of operation of most large countries since the beginning (they all have their “court prophets, who seek and desseminate “holy proclamations” of justifications for the policies and actions of that government.


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