To Be Known

For now we see in a mirror dimly,  but then we shall see face to face.  Now I know only in part;  then I shall know fully,  even as I have been fully known.   (I Cor. 13: 11-12)

As I read in the first chapter of Brenda Brasher’s “Give Me That Online Religion”, and she points out the widespread construction of “places” in cyberspace to explore religious experience,  and that “almost no consideration has been given  to why and how people turned to computer mediated technologies to find or create the spiritual experiences they craved” (p.10).   For me,  it has been a desire that is as old (and older) than the scriptures,  expressed above by the Apostle Paul:  To Be Known.  It is the desire to share our deepest interests,  concerns,  hopes,  and fears.  It is “Be Known” in the way that faith tells us we have been “fully known” (by our creator).  We seek confirmation and realization of this hope in the Christian community,  and in all theological comunities. 

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