Web host FTP is down – No updates

This sucks.   Nobody is going to see this tonight ,  because comcast has locked me out of the ftp account where I upload my blog pages (mywebpages.comcast.net/dlature). Makes me really wish I had gotten in on the Salon blog deal (which started within a month after I bought Radio).  Radio, WS_FTP, IE, Dreamweaver,   all FAIL to connect.  I need to figure out how to get this stuff moved and notices sent out.  How does one do this?  How do you move a blog ,  and keep what piddly-little connections (which are all valuable to me as I seek to build a small inter-blogular community).  HOw do I get all those wonderful Google hits to start reflecting a new location?  I am going to move my stuff to a larger,  more robust web hosting area.  Instead of mywebpages.comcast.net/dlature,  this is (as you know,  else you wouldn’t even be here….)

What I really want is www.theoblogical.org.  Wonder what the woud be the best things to do to get me there?
(Later:  I bought the domain name,  and now just waiting for it to propogate)

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