To oust Saddam or what?

There seems to be many elements here to debate.  One,  why is “Peace” and Not seeking to “topple” Sadamm mutually exclusive?  One might qualify this and point out that there are ways to “topple” without military coersion,  like the paths being sought now (at least on the surface….although I have a fairly certain suspicion that the U.N. is just one protocol that is being used to achieve what the US wants to do anyway.  We’ll see.   Bush was saying “Sadamm has defied the UN not once,  not twice,  but SIXTEEN times.  So,  what was the US doing about that on numbers 3-16?  Seems a lot like it’s much more “convenient” now to bring that up to the UN now that we have some scheme that we’re gonna implement no matter what.

Why American Jewish groups support war with Iraq. Usually allied with liberal causes, many American Jews support toppling Saddam Hussein. If there’s a peace movement, it will have to get started without them. []

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