I’m wearing this instead of just Red,White and Blue today

This is my favorite T-Shirt and daughter, Kelli (4), from the post I put up on Labor Day, Sept.2. Janet asked me today if I was going to wear my “Citizen of the World” shirt, and I said, “Yeah, that woudl be good.” On a day like today, when it’s nothing but “Let’s remember by flying the flag and USA this and USA that, let’s remember that this is not about one country or another, but about global relationship problems. BIG problems. Revving up “patriotic” engines is part of what throws salt in the wound. I’m not saying that anything about Sept.11 was deserved or was punishment or anything like a “lesson”. It’s just that if we don’t care what salt we are heaving into whatever wounds,  then perhaps we don’t really care to try and figure out some realistic ways to avoid such violent backlashes in the future.   It was evil. Part of my response is to affirm the interdependence of the world’s people.

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