Book Bloggin’ on Call to Commitment

Call to Commitment,  and just about anything written by the late Elizabeth O’Connor,  are my absolute favorites.  O’Connor was a beautiful writer.  Her stories of the COS people so wonderfully communicated in an accurate way the “atmosphere” and spirit of the activity and community at COS,  and surrounding many other communities I have since come into contact with who have had their lives touched by the continuing legacy of this community.  I would love to get back again before Gordon is gone.  He shows no signs of such,  at least as of the last I heard,  and I believe he is around 80,  and still sharp as a tack, and some kind of preacher.  I’ve met him on about 3 occasions,  and he’s such a wonderful, warm person,  and I have so much to be thankful for that he and COS have had so much to do with. 

I lost a hardback copy of Call to Commitment about 5 years ago when I moved from Cincinnati to Nashville.  I had been involved in a group calling themselves “Servant Leadership School” (based on the one started by The Church of the Saviour in Washington DC) for about a year and a half when I got my present Web Development job.  Of course,  all of us were always talking about various things COS (Church of the Saviour) and I had lent my copy to somebody long before I knew I was to be moving. That person passed it on to another,  until time had passed and I had moved and forgotten all about having lent it out.  I just recently ordered a paperback copy for 8.95 from Pottter’s House Books (along with the Gordon Cosby book quoted from in a blog that I quoted from on Sunday

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