Being Open to the Apocalyptic

David Dark (via Slactivist):

Sarah Masen’s Official Website : Where Do We Go From Here? The Tired Gladness of Radiohead

Apocalyptic shows us what we’re not seeing. It can’t be composed or spoken by the powers that be, because they are the sustainers of “the way things are” whose operation justifies itself by crowning itself as “the way things ought to be” and whose greatest virtue is being “realistic.” Thinking through what we mean when we say “realistic” is where the apocalyptic begins. If the powers that be are the boot which, to borrow Orwell’s phrase, presses down upon the human face forever, apocalyptic is the speech of that human face. Apocalyptic denies, in spite of all the appearances to the contrary, the “forever” part.

Slactivist’s observation:

That takes one a lot closer to understanding the meaning of St. John’s Apocalypse than anything LaHaye and Jenkins have written. It also illuminates just why the pseudo-apocalyptic literature of L&J is so deeply awful. L&J may not themselves be “the powers that be,” but they are thoroughly invested in the status quo. So in a sense they are writing from a perspective that is roughly the opposite of John’s.

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