God’s Creation To Heal Our Separateness

We ARE the story being told. (See my previous post) This IS the community that embodies. It is the community of miracle, where God works amongst us to reconcile in a place of forgiveness and evoking of our gifts and the realization that we are beloved of God.
And yet, it seems as though I am still in a wilderness from that “promised land”. I often pause before saying such things, and even more often don’t say them at all, so long has this “drought” gone on and on. Some may say (they haven’t in actuality, at least to my face) that I have to make do with what I’ve been dealt. But I don’t know how to “make do” if there seems to be no place or people willing to discern these things with me.

Quotes such as the previous post from Hauerwas about the church seem like teases. I’ve known and read and recognized too much to be satisfied with gatherings where there turns out to be no time or opportunity or expressed interest in the kind of accountability to one another that I am convinced is required. I then add to this consideration the uncertaintly of what it might well be about me and my “church meeting” external persona that keeps me from meeting the people to whom and with whom I am to discover call. It seems that the only CALL I can have now is to find the place and the people with whom further call can be discerned.

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