Blank stares about Community on the Net

From xian.   reminds me of some of the disconnect I’ve been sensing from people I know….maybe not for the same resaons,  but there is some “not for me” kind of stance,  that perhaps the level of discourse is seen as too trivial or too heated (again, based on little or no looking for the “right levels”,  sometimes because they don’t know how,  sometimes because they don’t take the time to look,  and depend instead on articles they read (in those print things they read that complainabout the level of discourse on the Net)

Fear of an Internet Planet. Suladog, a Livejournal friend of mine who’s a film writer, told a little story about the mixed feelings some of her peers have about embracing the potential of community through the Internet:

… two very close friends…one is the creator of a couple of hit TV series .. the other is a journalist for national magazines … we were talking about the internet and I mentioned all the journaling that’s out there … and how I have online friends … and how people talk and debate and argue and laugh and share about all sorts of things online … and I was getting blank stares.

Turns out these two never venture online, short of research or ebay. The idea of writing posts or letters and getting to know people online made their jaws drop. ………….. These were two people obsessed with their age, and complaining about a culture that they felt they were being left out of, when in fact they’d locked the door on the inside.   Read it all: Fear of an Internet Planet
from [suladog] via  [Christian Crumlish (xian): metablog]

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