Some Serious Misgivings About Model Churches and Successful Pastors

More on the Succesful Church/Blogging Church posts from yesterday:
Three things right away stood out:
First: No comments (he solicits emails for comments but doesn’t post them)…
Second: this pastor is all aghast at the idea that there would be criticism of their church not having services on Sunday Christmas day. His defense is that it’s not in Scripture. Considering that during Biblical times, they didn’t use Sunday as the day of worship, that’s pretty lame, to say nothing of the good ol’ American “Family Values” morality that places such a low premium on the idea of a gathered community celebrating Christ’s birth on one of those few Christmases that falls on a Sunday (it ought to be seen as a rare opportunity) . I understand completely the desire to spend Christmas day of all days with the family, and rightfully so, but I also see nothing amiss with including Sunday worship on this day of all days. What else could be more appropriate than to have the people of God gathered despite all the “immediate family in the flesh” having its own celebrations, to be gathered in celebration amongst all of God’s extended family? In fact, the idea that these mega-churches scoff at the “absurdity” of people bineg concerned about their calling off services on Sunday only says to me that they may well have put “other” values ahead of those things the church supposedly values.

Third, he seems unapologetically pro-war. None of this, save perhaps the first, mitigates against him being a good “model” for Pastor blogging, but I also found nothing here that lessened my distaste and cynicism toward the Mega-Church, and actually serves to butress my prior impression that many and perhaps most mega-churches serve, as one of many functions, to affirm good Americans and urge them to do their patriotic duty.

Of course, Scripture has a few things to say about treatment of our enemy too, but that’s mentioned nowhere in these “Successful Churches”.

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