Looking Ahead to the President’s Speech

Notice I DIDN’T SAY “looking forward”……I probably won’t even tune in, since I can hardly stand to listen to him, since it’s all posturing with practically no ability (or even intention) of doing much of anything, except to put a “democratic face” on what these guys really want to accomplish, which is to drain the less fortunate , to the greatest degree they can “accomplish” and send it trickling UP. I heard an economist say a few days ago that this is the first time in history that GDP gains have not been accomanied by some lift in the standard of living for the median income family. There’s more of that mythical TRICKLE down. Anyway, Thunder Jones’ posts tonight on what he expects from the speech, and this part sort of echoes my thoughts of earlier tonight about Coretta.

The Mundane Life of Thunder Jones: Predict the State of the Union

Finally, out most nauseating element of tonight’s speech will be the appropriation of Coretta Scott King. She was a great lady and we are all in her debt! There will be no mention that she emphasized nonviolence more boldly than MLK. We won’t hear about her opposition to the war in Iraq. We’ll just take some time and honor the icon, but not the ideas.

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