Belief.Net provides a broad-based view of Left Behind

Belief.Net has added to the discussion the additional discussions neccessary to step back from the Left Behind- type Science Fiction view of what is known in Christian theology as “the parousia” and provided some addtional ,  and much needed information about what the “non-fundamentalist” crowd believes about the “end times scenarios”.  Much of what is taken in the “pre-millinneal” (the view of most fundamentalists) to be “forecast” or “references to parousia events” is,  in the view of many mainstream theologians,  taken completely out of context (which is the way many fundamentalists read the Bible anyway……,  not all,  and not all the time,  but whenever it suits them.  ‘Course,  they’d say that about us too!)

  • Truth: Evangelical Christians believe the Book of Revelation is a blueprint for end-times events

  • Metaphor: A Bible scholar says the Book of Revelation is one part prophecy and one part literature

  • Manifesto: Liberals say the Book of Revelation is a political protest document

    It’s also a place to link to all kinds of ways to “buy stuff” from this “LeftBehind Store”.  How come there aren’t links to books about the subject,  from varying viewpoints?  I was drawn to’s area becuase I wanted to see some dialogue about the subject.   Surely there have been books about the approaches to apocalypse in various factions?  Articles, at least.

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