Naming the Fragmentation

This from Schools For Conversion: 12 Marks of a New Monasiticism:

It is absolutely vital that the New Monasticism recognizes and properly names the fragmentation that inhibits and distorts the formation of community and the healing of persons in community.

Intro, p.4

I’ve been in a sort of fog for the past couple of months, wondering where this breath of new life is happening. It’s like the “inhibitions” alluded to above are in effect, creating a gulf between us. It seems that this “healing of persons” is expected and assumed to take place OUTSIDE of community as a kind of expression of individualism; an act of the will to overcome negativity and set aside the idea that there is going to be a place where we are truly accepted for who we are. No local church I have come into contact with in years has exhibited this corporate sense of accountability to a radical notion of discipleship and the Inward Journey.

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