OK, I did an incredibly geeky thing here (not geeky as in complicated or highly technical, but geeky in a whyd-I-just-spend-that-much-time-get-a-Life kind of a way). I made hotspots that pop up an enlarged photo of that section of books from closer-in photos of those books on my shelf. I may do some more later, but that’s nerdy enough (yeah, that’s it—nerdy is a better description of this little exercise than geeky, although it is actually both, in mutually unhealthy doses. Also, it may be a bit vain to show you my bookshelf, but I tend to show people I think are into theological reading my bookshelf anyway, and so what better friends to show than those with whom I share some of my most theological-geeky-nerdy thoughts.
3 Replies to “The Office Bookshelf”
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Heheh, nice! I’ve never read any Buechner. A bunch of his books showed up in the CJR library donation that I’ve mentioned.
Whoa, just saw that you updated all the other sections on the left. Cool idea! I noticed you have an AOL disc box in there, heheh…