We All Need Healing

This from today’s segment from Becoming the Authentic Church:

Movable Theoblogical: Getting to Know (Really Know) Each Another

when we see that the same cultural systems that have so deeply hurt some have made life easier for others we begin to recognize how much we all need healing.

We are the injured and the injurees. We need to receive and extend that which leads to reconciliation. We are the Fellowship of Reconciliation as a worldwide body. The ecumenical group by that name takes that name only to emphasize their reason for existence, but this also is one piece of the mission of the whole church. This is why war is the anathema of the church, for it is a sign of abandonment when the people founded as the fellowship of reconciliation turn to the world’s ways of relating. This is what is being approached here, on a small group level. The power of this fellowship comes from the activity of God that manifests itself in reconciliati on that happens amongst them.

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